ADHD Is on The Rise

ADHD Is on The Rise

The Numbers

About 10 percent of American children are diagnosed with ADHD according to a new study. The study looked at a span of 1997 until 2016 and found an increase of 4 percent.

The study included other interesting information on ADHD, such as the breakdown of diagnoses by the sexes. Boys were diagnosed 14 percent of the time compared to about 6 percent of girls.

What Do The Numbers Indicate?

The numbers indicate that there is more knowledge about ADHD and more people are being diagnosed. However, just because more people are being diagnosed, it does not truly reflect the number of children who have ADHD. Some children may not have ADHD but may display some symptoms that lead to them being misdiagnosed.

Symptoms of ADHD include absent-mindedness, difficulty focusing, impulsiveness, fidgeting, and anxiety among many others.

The Takeaway

Currently, it is uncertain what has caused the increases in rates of ADHD. Some believe greater awareness, greater access to mental health services, and changing the parameters for diagnoses have led to the increase. As discussed in previous posts, the effects of digital media on a child’s brain may play a part in more ADHD cases as well, though this is far from proven.  If your child is experiencing symptoms of ADHD you may want to consider a comprehensive assessment at Pathways Neuropsychology Associates.

Dr. Gordon is an experienced ADHD expert. He is devoted to helping you learn more about ADHD and find solutions for each individual’s needs. Please feel free to contact us for any concerns or questions regarding ADHD about yourself, or a loved one.

The Pathways team of professionals has helped thousands of people with ADHD. We are Dedicated to effective and compassionate care for individuals with neurological challenges.

Pathways Neuropsychology

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