What is Dyscalculia?

6 years ago

Dyscalculia is similar to dyslexia in that it is a learning disability. Although experienced in a similar amount of people…

How To Engage With Family Members Suffering From Dementia

6 years ago

Dementia is a serious disease that affects between 5 to 7 percent of people over the age of 60. However,…

The Seven Stages of Dementia

6 years ago

This is the most common system for understanding the progression of Dementia into seven stages.

Why Are We Still Teaching Reading the Wrong Way?

6 years ago

Teacher preparation programs continue to ignore the sound science behind how people become readers. Our children aren’t being taught to…

Can Certain Colors Help Reading Speed for Those with Dyslexia?

6 years ago

A new study seems to indicate color can play a role in reading speed for children with dyslexia. Specifically, a…

New CDC Guidelines For Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

6 years ago

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released a major new guideline on diagnosing and managing concussions and head-related…

Alternative Therapies for Managing Chronic Pain

6 years ago

Although opioid medication is a common treatment for Chronic pain and can be a safe and effective treatment for pain…

Did you know October is National Dyslexia Awareness Month?

6 years ago

The idea for the month's designation came from The International Dyslexia Association.The United States Senate has recognized National Dyslexia Awareness…

What are the types of ADHD and What’s the difference between ADD and ADHD?

6 years ago

What distinguishes Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is that ADD is not an actual medical…

Apathy Might be a Warning Sign for Dementia

6 years ago

Older and even middle-aged adults can become uncharacteristically blasé as a forerunner to dementia, years before clear-cut signs appear...