How Do You Know If You Have A Concussion?

8 years ago

The dreaded “C-word” is thrown around in everyday life, most notably in sports. However, many can be left unsure if…

Fatigue and Insomnia Following Traumatic Brain Injury (and what you can do to help!)

8 years ago

Sleep and daytime energy are two crucial aspects to a happy and successful life. That is why it can be…

Parenting a Child With ADHD

8 years ago

A great (and immensely important!) starting point for a parent is understanding what ADHD is and what it means to…

Brain Injury Awareness

8 years ago

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. As the month comes to a close, it is important to discuss what causes--…

Sex Life and Emotional Wellness after Traumatic Brain Injury

8 years ago

For both male and female adults recovering from traumatic brain injuries (TBI), self-confidence and sexual enjoyment can be compromised on…

Military Study: Aerobic Exercise as an Effective Treatment for mTBI

8 years ago

David K Johnson, PhD and the Department of Defense have teamed up to investigate the healing effects of aerobic exercise…

Mindfulness Meditation Helps Your Mind & Body

8 years ago

A new study suggests there’s some science behind the claims made for mindfulness meditation. The benefits of mindfulness meditation, increasingly…

What can a neuropsychologist do for you?

8 years ago

If you are reading this article, then you have most likely heard of a neuropsychologist. Maybe you have even been…

You Can Be Smart and Have ADHD

8 years ago

Many believe that an ADHD diagnosis is a reflection of one’s intelligence or potential to thrive academically. Dr. Thomas E…

Mediterranean Diet – Good for the Brain

8 years ago

The Mediterranean diet is high in vegetables, fruits, olive oil and whole grains, and moderate in protein and animal fats.…