ADHD and Stereotype Threat

10 years ago

Stereotype threat is a very commonly researched phenomenon that affects people’s performance on tests and other evaluated tasks. Stereotype threat…

Sleep Problem or ADHD?

10 years ago

Sleep disorders and ADHD share many of the same symptoms. Children with sleep apnea were found to have symptoms of…

White Noise to Improve Attention

10 years ago

Due to the belief that people with low dopamine levels may benefit from external stimulation in order to better concentrate…

Movement May Improve Performance in Children with ADHD

10 years ago

A 2015 study of 52 boys between 8 to 12 years of age found that moving in the form of…

Siblings of Children with ADHD

10 years ago

The entire family is affected by a child’s ADHD symptoms. Research regarding the siblings of children with ADHD reveals that…

Tokens for Good Behavior

10 years ago

Token economies have been successful in reinforcing positive behavior in children with ADHD. As the name implies, a token economy…

Stimulant Drug Misuse

10 years ago

Recent research has found that 17% of college students misuse ADHD stimulant drugs. These drugs are popular at college campuses…

Cavities in Children with ADHD

10 years ago

Children with ADHD have a higher prevalence of dental cavities than children without ADHD. Specifically, children with ADHD are nearly…

Sticker Charts!

10 years ago

A great way to motivate your children to behave well and get their homework and chores done! A visual reminder…

Why Punishment Doesn’t Work

10 years ago

People often assume that the reason for ADHD is lack of punishment. This can be very insulting for parents as…