3 Tips for Parenting a Child with ADHD | Psychologist Toms River NJ

3 Tips for Parenting a Child with ADHD

Parenting is a full-time job all on its own. Parenting a child with ADHD can further prove challenging, frustrating, and, at times, overwhelming. However, with the right tactics, it can be easier. So, what should you know? How can you put your best foot forward for your child?

Managing Stress With ADHD

Why Managing Stress is Crucial for Individuals With ADHD

mentally and physically as time goes on. Inevitably, it also poses a frustrating situation for the person with ADHD. And it can turn into a chronic cycle where you may get stressed about being stressed. 

So, how does this impact ADHD? And what can someone with ADHD do to manage stress more effectively?

ADHD Coaching | Toms River, NJ | Manahawkin, NJ | Freehold, NJ - Ocean County NJ | How to Help Your Child Study Better With ADHD

3 Reasons to Create Task Lists for Your Child With ADHD

With ADHD, your child may struggle to stay on task. This might create problems when it comes to completing homework or routine chores around the house. Your child might be quick to abandon the task or may easily get distracted, making the task or homework go longer than it needs to be. 

However, a “planner” or “task list” can help children with ADHD manage their time better. And yes, this may take some practice! So, how can a task list or planner help those with ADHD? Here are three reasons.

ADHD Relaxation Techniques for Your Child | Psychologists | Toms River, NJ | Manahawkin, NJ | Freehold, NJ – Ocean County NJ

The Importance of ADHD Relaxation Techniques for Your Child

As a parent with a child with ADHD, you might struggle to find ways to help your child calm down and relax. Many with ADHD have difficulty paying attention to one task or activity, jumping from one thing to the next, and struggling to follow through with tasks until completion. 

Research also shows how ADHD and stress are closely linked, meaning your child may have trouble with feeling overwhelmed or anxious. And this is why relaxation techniques and strategies are so important for individuals (and children) with ADHD. So, let’s dig into this a little bit further. What should you know?

ADHD Tips - ADHD coaching

3 Tips for Getting Organized With ADHD

Individuals with ADHD may find it very difficult to stay organized. This includes forgetting deadlines and having trouble organizing their thoughts—all of which can pose various frustrations.

If your child has ADHD, they most likely also suffer from poor organizational skills. In turn, this can negatively affect their performance at school and other activities. So, how can you help your child in the best way possible? Below, we offer a few tips!

ADHD Coaching | Toms River, NJ | Manahawkin, NJ | Freehold, NJ - Ocean County NJ | How to Help Your Child Study Better With ADHD

Why ADHD Makes Learning Difficult

Does your child with ADHD have difficulty learning? Are they underperforming in school? It’s not uncommon for children with ADHD to struggle within the regular academic environment.

ADHD can negatively impact a child’s capacity to focus and comprehend, making it more difficult to keep up with their studies. But you can do something to help your child learn better despite having this condition. Keep reading to find out more!

Learning Your ADHD Child’s Triggers | ADHD evaluations | ADHD Coach Toms River New Jersey

Learning Your ADHD Child’s Triggers

Undeniably, ADHD can negatively affect your child’s home, social, and academic functioning. Yet, with the right care, it doesn’t have to! 

In fact, learning the triggers for a child with ADHD can help you prevent and minimize functional difficulties, as well as help your child better cope with this condition. So, let’s take a closer look at some triggers and how you can recognize them.

4 ADHD Tips for Teens | Psychologist Toms River NJ

4 ADHD Tips for Teens

If your teen has been diagnosed with ADHD, they may often feel misunderstood. It can further be frustrating for them to navigate school and friendships. Yet, there are various strategies that can help your child manage their ADHD and corresponding symptoms. 

Unfortunately, there is no quick fix. It often takes a combination of approaches to find what works for each individual. While your teen may also find ADHD coaching beneficial, other strategies and tips for ADHD that you might want to explore include:

ADHD Tips - ADHD coaching

5 Coping Strategies for ADHD

Coping with ADHD in your everyday life can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. You might feel distracted or find yourself becoming overwhelmed. Yet, developing proper coping strategies can help you manage your ADHD in an effective and efficient way, allowing you to achieve all your goals and more.

In this article, we outline five coping strategies to help you manage your ADHD. Keep reading to find out more.

ADHD Coaching | Toms River, NJ | Manahawkin, NJ | Freehold, NJ - Ocean County NJ | How to Help Your Child Study Better With ADHD

4 Benefits of ADHD Coaching for Your Child

As you might already know, ADHD might cause your child to experience difficulty with staying on task, following instructions, or meeting deadlines. If left untreated or unmanaged, ADHD can negatively impact your child’s life, leaving them struggling and lacking confidence. 

Luckily, ADHD coaching with a trained professional, such as our team at Pathways Neuropsychology Associates, can help your child address and overcome their individual challenges. So, let’s dig a little deeper. What kind of benefits can ADHD coaching offer your child?