Racial Bias in ADHD Evaluations and Diagnosis | Psychologists | Toms River, NJ | Manahawkin, NJ | Freehold, NJ - Ocean County NJ

Racial Bias in ADHD Evaluations and Diagnosis

As our society continues the conversation on racial disparities, it is important to acknowledge and address its place in the psychology profession. Taking a look at ADHD evaluations and diagnosis, specifically, it becomes evident that there is great variance in treatment rates among racial and social groups…

Anxiety & Depression Treatments

Three ways Depression Affects Your Thinking

When thinking about depression, one might think of feelings of sadness or hopelessness. However, when depressed, a person’s cognitive abilities are affected. Depression affects your cognitive abilities making even the simplest task seem impossible.

adhd evaluation

5 Myths and Facts about ADHD

There are a lot of misconceptions regarding ADHD. Because of these misconceptions, those who have been diagnosed with the disorder are often judged and unfairly labeled as lazy. 

ADHD ADD ritalin ADHD evaluation testing

Five Suggestions to Promote Good Study Habits

Many children who have been diagnosed with ADHD have poor executive functioning skills, therefore studying can be a challenge. Utilizing these five suggestions in promoting good study habits can help your child get the most out of school.

How are Creativity and ADHD Connected?

How do I Motivate my ADHD Child? 3 Proven Strategies

Maintaining motivation in children can be a challenge due to deficits in their executive functioning. Attention requires motivation. As teachers and parents, it is important to help the child create motivation. Here are three ways to help children create motivation: 

Certified ADHD Professional

Dr. Gordon – Certified ADHD Professional (ADHD­CCSP)  Evidence­ Based Strategies for Managing ADHD Across the Lifespan

Dr. Gordon is a certified ADHD professional and uses state-of-the art advancements for working with the unique brain wiring of ADHD clients and has mastered proven strategies that will improve functioning and reduce the stress, shame, and anxiety of the disorder.

How are Creativity and ADHD Connected?

Getting Creative with ADHD

What do you think about thinking? Is it simple, or difficult? Linear or sporadic? Are certain things easier to think about than others? For most people, the answer is likely to be a general all of the above. However, if you or your child have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyper-Activity Disorder (ADHD), then you may understand that thinking is a bit more complex with this disorder, often leaning towards difficult, sporadic, and absolutely yes.

Which Sports Best Help Manage ADHD

Which Sports Best Help Manage ADHD?

Providing your child with a physically intensive outlet, such as a sport, has been shown to help ADHD. Yet, not all sports are created equally. This article will discuss which sports provide more benefit for those with ADHD.

Should I let my Child with ADHD Listen to Music when Studying?

Music and ADHD

While it may seem counter-intuitive to have your ADHD diagnosed child play music in the background, the research says otherwise. Listening to low-volume, classical or electronic music with limited lyrics while studying can have strong benefits for all children, especially for those with ADHD.

psychologist toms river nj, Mindfulness Meditation

A Mindful Approach to ADHD

The primary challenges of having ADHD are maintaining focus and self-regulation. A mindful approach to ADHD simply means practicing and developing these skills just as you would if you were learning math or basketball.