ADHD Connection to Other Mental Health Conditions

ADHD Connection to Other Mental Health Conditions?

It is common for children with ADHD to have difficulties in managing their emotions and organizing themselves. For example, they tend to get into a trouble at school and elsewhere because of their inability to inhibit behavior or think through their actions before reacting.

biofeedback - Psychologists | Toms River, Manahawkin, Freehold, NJ

How Biofeedback Can Help Treat ADHD

What is Biofeedback? Biofeedback is a treatment that helps patients learn to control bodily processes such as muscle tension, blood pressure, or heart rate. It has been used to treat problems like high blood pressure, muscle tension and anxiety. The way a Biofeedback session works

Dementia Symtoms & Treatments | Psychologists | Toms River, Manahawkin, Freehold, NJ

What is Frontotemporal Dementia?

It is important to start out by explaining that Dementia is an umbrella term to define loss of memory and other mental abilities that interfere with daily life caused by physical changes in the brain. So Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s for instance are both examples of possible causes of dementia.

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What is Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) And How Can it Help Treat ADHD?

The term “dialectical” means the use of acting through opposing forces. The primary dialectic within DBT is between the seemingly opposite strategies of acceptance and change.

Screen Time For Young Children Needs Moderating

Parents are facing a phenomenon they never experienced before; children having constant access to screens. Whether it is a computer screen or a phone screen or a television screen— most children from a young age have access to it.

Diagnosis of Adult-Onset ADHD

Diagnosis of Adult-Onset ADHD

Diagnosis of Adult-Onset ADHD ADHD used to be understood as an illness exclusively experienced in childhood. However, Adult-Onset ADHD is raising questions about the brain disorder. New data suggests that some people experience ADHD in adulthood without having been diagnosed with ADHD in childhood.

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What is CTE?

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive degenerative disease of the brain found in people with a history of repeated brain trauma. The constant brain trauma triggers progressive degeneration of the brain tissue, including the build-up of an abnormal protein called tau. These changes in the brain can begin months, years, or even decades after the last brain trauma.

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ADHD Linked With Higher Rates Of Anxiety

ADHD Linked With Higher Rates Of Anxiety – Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) face an increased risk for anxiety, according to new research. Anxiety disorder is common among children with ADHD. Recognizing and treating anxiety can lead to improved quality of life for patients

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Behavioral Management Video

Behavioral Management Video by Dr. Jay Gordon of Pathways Neuropsychology Associates. The Pathways team of professionals has helped thousands of people with brain injuries. We are Dedicated to effective and compassionate care for individuals with neurological challenges.

Differences In Brain Structure For Children With ADHD

Differences In Brain Structure For Children With A.D.H.D

Significant differences are present in the brains of those with and without A.D.H.D as early as preschool according to a new study published in the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. Changes include a smaller brain, and reductions in the size of several specific regions, including the frontal lobes. The magnitude of those reductions predicted how bad their ADHD is.