G-R-O-W with Coaching

Adolescents with ADHD often have decision making. ADHD coaching opens the door to independence by teaching young people to set goals, analyze risks and benefits, explore options, and make decisions. Coaching encourages young people to make decisions by using the acronym: GROW.

Goal setting for the short and long-term
Reality checking to analyze current situation. Is the goal realistic?
Options and back-up plans for attaining goals
What must be done? When must it be done? Who will do it?

With ADHD coaching, young people develop skills for success as they learn to grow in their decision-making. Coaching is unique because it does not focus on emotional issues as in therapy nor does it focus solely on academic as in tutoring. Instead coaching enhances executive functioning skills and teaches strategies and new habits to compensate for ADHD symptoms.  Parents tend to report better communication with their child after coaching while the child reports greater self-satisfaction. Start growing your skills today with coaching!

Contact Dr. Gordon for help with your ADHD. We have treatment and solutions available online, by phone, and in our offices.

written by:
 Brianna Malinowski, 
Jay Gordon, Ph.D

Sleeper-Triplett, J. (2010). Empowering Youth with ADHD. Plantation, Florida: Specialty Press
Picture retrieved from: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140625091836-194432021-want-to-grow-on-twitter-here-s-how on Oct. 4, 2015