Self-Regulation and ADD/ADHD

In many ways, ADD/ADHD can be seen as a problem with self-regulation.  Self-regulation is one of the executive skills that an ADD Coach or Executive Skills Coach attempts to remediate.  Self-regulation involves regulating not only attention and focus, but behavior and mood.  Initially, deficits with self-regulation are addressed by others providing cues, reminders, structure and reinforcement to keep an individual motivated, persistent and on-task towards a future goal.  The goal of the coach is to teach strategies and new habits so that the individual with ADD/ADHD or a self-regulation weakness is no longer dependent on others to keep them motivated and on task.

Some strategies an ADD Coach or Executive Skills Coach may utilize are listed below:

-clearly defining the goal behavior

-breaking the task into parts

-schedule and plan when the identified goal behavior will be executed

-setting up a reward system, and utilizing self reward for successful execution of goal behavior

-Utilize productive self-talk

-Utilize self-monitoring strategies

-Practice self evaluation

-Utilize external cues and reminders

-Create interest and excitement in the tasks involved or goal behaviors

-Positive Mental Attitude (PMT)

-Utilization of mood regulation techniques such as relaxation training or cognitive reframing.

The above mentioned strategies can take time to master.  But with the proper assistance and practice they can go far in helping an individual with ADD/ADHD achieve their personal goals.

ADHD Coaching is available online, by phone , and in-person


Pathways Neuropsychology

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