Strengths of Those with ADHD

Although, the word “disorder” has a strongly negative connotation, it is essential to keep in mind that those with ADHD do have strengths. Some behavioral characteristics of ADHD can actually help, rather than hinder, successful performance. Here are some strengths that those with ADHD often display:

Energy. When high energy is channeled in a proper direction, it can be a powerful source of work ethic and achievement. Energy gives people the motivation to begin new projects, create innovative ideas, and lead others. Ty Pennington, host of the former show Extreme Home Makeover, attributes his success to his highly creative energy due to ADHD.

Focus, passion, and exuberance. People with ADHD can experience long periods of “hyper-focus.”  This occurs when their high energy and passion leads to becoming completely engrossed in a certain interest. For example, you may notice that a child with ADHD is extremely involved with one activity, such as reading a book or playing chess. Interruption of this activity can lead to anger or irritability; however, such intense focus can be beneficial for completing tasks that demand attention.

Multitasking. Leadership positions often demand that a person be able to switch quickly from one task to another, which many with ADHD are able to do effectively. Those with ADHD are typically able to process lots of information quickly, which is beneficial in all areas of life.

Contact Dr. Gordon for help with your ADHD. We have treatment and solutions available online, by phone, and in our offices.

written by:
 Brianna Malinowski, 
Jay Gordon, Ph.D

Reynolds, C., Vannest, K., & Harrison, J. (2012). The Energetic Brain (pp. 28-30). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Pathways Neuropsychology

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