Tips for Creating an ADD-friendly Study Environment

ADD affects a multitude of characteristics that make it difficult to complete quiet tasks. Distractibility, short attention span, trouble concentrating, and hyperactivity are contradictory to the characteristics needed to complete homework and studying.

A recent article describes ways to create a less distracting environment for students with ADD during musical instrument lessons. These tips can be extended to creating a less distracting environment for the completion of homework and other quiet activities.

To create the best environment for your loved one with ADD, try these suggestions:

  • Clocks. Avoid ticking clocks as these can be distracting to children with ADD.
  • Phones. Silent phones during the child’s homework time. Children with ADD can be, not only distracted by the ringing noise, but also by thoughts of thecontent of the phone call.
  • Windows. Homework should be completed away from windows as weather, cars, animals, and people outside the windows can take attention away from homework.
  • Aromas. Smells of food can be especially distracting to children with ADD. Keep a closed door between the study environment and the aroma of cooking.
  • Interruptions. Unless it is an emergency, do not allow any visitors or family members to interrupt your child when he/she is doing homework.
  • Background noise. The study environment should be away from any distracting background noise including loud conversations or television.
  • Pets. Animals in the study space can serve as a distractor during homework.

Contact Dr. Gordon for help with your ADHD. We have treatment and solutions available online, by phone, and in our offices.

written by:
Brianna Malinowski
Jay Gordon, Ph.D

Melago, K. (2014). Strategies for successfully teaching students with ADD or ADHD in instrumental lessons. Music Educators Journal, 101(2), 37-43.

Pathways Neuropsychology

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