Dyscalculia is similar to dyslexia in that it is a learning disability. Although experienced in a similar amount of people as Dyslexia, it is not often highlighted. It is a math-based disability. Children with dyscalculia have difficulty with basic arithmetic such as numbers, calculations, mathematical reasoning, and basic math concepts. These difficulties affect children before they even start learning math as they are usually developmental in nature.
What Are The Warning Signs?
1) Counting:
Children with dyscalculia have difficulty counting. These are problems in basic counting such as difficulty counting backward. It is common for children with dyscalculia to count with their fingers long after their classmates have stopped. This is a form of a crutch that the child will use in order to be able to try and keep up.
2) Inability to associate a number with a quantity:
This can be understood as a difficulty to add numbers together to get the answer. They often have difficulty understanding how to get to the conclusion.
3) Anxiety
Children with this disability experience anxiety especially when it comes to math. This may be because of their lack of ability in math which triggers anxiety and stress.
What Should You Do?
If you have concerns your child has dyscalculia you should talk to your children’s teachers and get a better understanding of his or her performance in math-related classes. You can always have your child tested as well to better understand their math ability.
The Takeaway
Doing more math problems won’t help solve the situation. There are solutions to help your child become better at dealing with his or her disability that doesn’t involve math problems. These can be in the forms of games, or other hands-on approaches that enable the child to do math-related activities in a different setting. We here at Pathways Neuropsychology have been handling Dyslexia related issues for quite some time and have a thorough understanding of how to treat our clients. Please, if you ever have a concern about yourself or a loved one experiencing Dyscalculia or Dyslexia, give us a call.
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